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DJs That Suck

The first entry on this list isn't actually a "DJ" in the strictest sense, but the EDM sound marketed so successfully by "electronic dance music rap" duo LMFAO provides an excellent lead-in example to show the reasons why contemporary mainstream dance music is so poor. LMFAO create the ultimate form of dance music for people that have no understanding of or interest in dance music. Stick some hefty sub-bass beneath irritating blaring synths and chintzy keyboards. Add a few snare rushes building up to a pumping sing-a-long chorus. Oh, and make sure that everything is a bit "funny" - no-one can possibly take dance cultures seriously, right? - and obviously don't forget to appeal to the university frat boys' hyperactive sex drives with videos and live performances featuring lots of nearly-nude women. Dance music's history is one that has long been of invention and equality (at least in terms of its dancefloors - admittedly there has been too little exposure on female DJs). It has grown from queer and African-American subcultures in particular, while many other minority groups have contributed strongly to dance's history and development. To see a culture rising that is so marketed towards young white men getting drunk on Jägerbombs and eyeing up women at music festivals in depressing. LMFAO's success is testament to the fact that EDM is a mess of egos, generic musical production and sexism. The rest of this list confirms that.


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